Aptitude Classes 4u (via its video classes/portal/tuition website) for the class up to 8th to 12th Mathematics, Science, Physics, Chemistry, English, Board exam, C.B.S.E, I.C.S.C.E., JAC Board, Shortcut tricks for competitive exams, and Skill development by an experienced teacher to deliver quality education. Our website is providing the easy language of teaching patterns and encourages the aptitude of students.
We also give advice to complete the course in a short time period. Examinations tips for preparation in 2 to 3 days. We advise how to learn and make your self-confidence strong. This Aptitude Classes 4u is running with a brilliant 3 team members.
My self Kishore Kumar, as a founder of Aptitude Classes 4u and a teacher of Maths, Science of class up to 8th to 10th, Physics, and chemistry for 11th & 12th, Motivator, Youtuber, and Blogger. I have more than 15 years of experience in the teaching field.
Mr. Amar deep Singh is one of our team members of Aptitude Classes 4u, he is giving web-support to our website, he is having more than 4 years of digital marketing experience, and motivator. His Educational website Educarehub Channel is very informative for all students.
Mr. Santosh Kumar Singh is also our team member of Aptitude Classes 4u, he is an expert in career counseling for Engineering, medical, management courses, and also a motivator.

Founder of Aptitude Classes 4u: Kishore Kumar